1) Have you ever had one of those days? The ones where you don't really know how you made it through? I'm not talking the heartbreaking days, but the days that never seem to end and no matter what you do, it's gonna go crappy! Well, this is my one of those days. How could two picture frames get thrown out the dining room window? I really don't know. How many times could one kid really pee his pants? I don't get it. You would think I never pay any attention to him and actually ALL I do is pay him some attention. When a kid covers himself with a full tub of butter what do you do? Give him a bath? Yeah, did that. After putting the keys in the socket last week you'd have thought he learned that's a major no no...apparently not. And did anyone know that there is more chalk dust in a chalk line than you could ever imagine...it goes everywhere...forever. What a day! I love this kid but I could ring his little neck right now! Tonight he will go to sleep in my arms and I will look at him and think...you little turd, I love you. Then in the morning I'll wake up and be ready for another round!!!!!
2) I had an issue with the toilet at a public place today and amid trying not to touch it and dealing with Eli in the process...I was gonna have to clean it up too! Why? Well, I didn't want the next person to think I did that! So, if everyone will clean up any over spray there might have been and remember, what you don't know won't hurt you....I clean mine up all the time!
I have to laugh as I look back at these two....how in the world does a toilet make it onto a blog? Pretty easily, I guess. The other one about Eli...well, that's just day to day stuff, or well, I guess it used to be. Kinda sad to look back on Eli's and see how aggravated he could make me and how he's in school now playing the part of an angel. Crazy kid. Eli makes for some of the best blogs, posts and comments....I never embelish anything he and I do, when we have a crazy day....we really have a crazy day! I miss that little boy that used to make me go "hunting" in the back yard with a stick. I miss that little boy that used to crawl up in my lap for nap. I miss that little boy that used to have his bath water drawn. I miss that little boy that needed me to do everything. But....I love that little man that is growing up all too fast, that can make my day all better by being able to do stuff for himself. He does his own homework, he draws his own bath, he hunts for real, he rides the bus, he's just a pretty good kid all the way around. I may miss my 2 year old....but I am so proud of my 6 year old.
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